Ok To Give Water To a Baby? How to Avoid Water Intoxication
Water seems healthy, right? But water to a baby in the wrong amounts can lead to water intoxication. Learn what's safe and how much water is OK to an infant.
Water seems healthy, right? But water to a baby in the wrong amounts can lead to water intoxication. Learn what's safe and how much water is OK to an infant.
M 4-month-old baby suddenly stopped eating. I am very worried. It has been 1 week since this started. She plays and she still a happy baby. Why can this be?
My daughter is 5 weeks old and she is fussy, has 8-10 loose and smelly stools, difficulty sleeping, and cries for long periods of time. What can it be?
"I give my baby Similac but the day care gives him Good Start. Is this ok to mix formulas like this or will it hurt my baby's tummy?" Find answers here.
What if a 4-month-old baby won't eat more than 2-3 oz? I'm worried that he'll lose weight. Find possible reasons, when to worry, and parents' discussion.
Bottle-feeding a baby can be both easy and cozy. Learn how in our bottle feeding guide. Tips even for babies that refuse the bottle and for breastfed babies
Is it bad to give some vegetables to a newborn baby if they don't get full on formula only? Learn about health risks from early introduction of solid foods.
Q&A: My 5-month-old baby won't eat. She shows normal signs of hunger, is happy, and shows no signs of illness or teething. What should I do? I am worried!
At 15 months, a baby/toddler will no longer want their…
Why does my baby want to throw up when she eats? I am worried that she is sick or something is wrong with her.
Can I replace normal bottle feeds with formula-made milkshakes since my baby refuses the bottle? I need tips on how to add seasoning to baby formula safely.
What if Mom needs to wean from breastfeeding and baby hates formula? Find tips to make baby accept the bottle and what to do if it doesn't work!