My 3 Month Baby Is Crying And Sucking His Hand – Teething, Hungry?
My 3-month-old has been crying all day. He only takes 20-30min naps, wakes up and cries. He keeps sucking on his hand as if he is hungry but its not time.
My 3-month-old has been crying all day. He only takes 20-30min naps, wakes up and cries. He keeps sucking on his hand as if he is hungry but its not time.
My 3 month old son has been screaming before and during every feeding for the last three weeks. I've tried everything! Doctors won't help. What can this be?
My 3 month old will only let me, her mother hold her. She screams when anybody else hold her including the father, is this normal? It is frustrating!
How can I stop my baby from using my breast as a pacifier to fall asleep? I breastfeed and formula feed. He refuses the pacifier, so I need some other way!
What if a 3-month-old won't sleep in their crib? When…
What if a baby is shaking when falling asleep and…
Infant had colic that disappeared and came back again. Pain and discomfort passing wind and bowel movements, pulling knees up to chest, pained crying etc.