When Comfort Nursing Becomes a Habit: How to Help Your Baby Let Go
How can I stop my baby from using my breast as a pacifier to fall asleep? I breastfeed and formula feed. He refuses the pacifier, so I need some other way!
Breastfeeding tips on how to getting breastfeeding to work to what on earth happened to your libido…
Why can’t my baby latch?
Why is she refusing formula?
Is my baby eating enough?
Why does he or she want to suckle all the time?
Can I combine breast milk with formula?
How can I wean my baby?
The list goes on…
You’ll find information and discussions on for example how to avoid becoming a human pacifier when breastfeeding, whether it is OK to mix formulas, what to do when a baby refuses to wean or refuses formula, and many other questions.
I hope you’ll find the help you need!
How can I stop my baby from using my breast as a pacifier to fall asleep? I breastfeed and formula feed. He refuses the pacifier, so I need some other way!
Recent research have found benefits related explicitly to extended breastfeeding. There are also a few risks, but not as significant as the positive effects.
It is common for breastfed babies to refuse bottlefeeding, but you can win the battle without tears, Here's how to get your breastfed baby to take the bottle.
When baby wants to eat all the time it's called cluster feeding. Normal, but exhausting! How to cope with cluster feeding? Here's how to take care of YOU, mom!
What if your baby suddenly wants to eat all the time? This is called cluster feeding. Let's go through what this is, why and when it happens, pros and cons.
Breastfeeding positions for when you are tired, had a c-section, have mastitis, baby is fussy, premature, or has acid reflux. Or if you need to chase a sibling!
How does breast milk donation work? And what are breast milk banks? Read about donating breast milk, receiving donated milk, and its risks and benefits.
How safe is it to use breastfeeding as birth control (LAM)? How can I make it work? Your guide to breastfeeding as a contraceptive, when it is suitable, how to use it properly, FAQ and more.
Is your baby spitting up curdled milk? Learn why a baby spits up, what curdled milk spit up means, when it's normal and not for breastfed and formulafed babies.
M 4-month-old baby suddenly stopped eating. I am very worried. It has been 1 week since this started. She plays and she still a happy baby. Why can this be?
"I give my baby Similac but the day care gives him Good Start. Is this ok to mix formulas like this or will it hurt my baby's tummy?" Find answers here.
Does your baby fall asleep while nursing, bite you or want to nurse very often? These and other common breastfeeding problems are solved here.