When you are 25 weeks pregnant, your baby drinks amniotic fluid, which is actually quite healthy and contains carbohydrates, salt, proteins, and lipids, for example.
Your uterus is now the size of a soccer ball. How about your hubby, is he gaining a small baby belly as well? Learn about the most common sympathy pregnancy symptoms in men here.
This article will cover fetal development, how big your baby is, what month you are actually in, pregnancy symptoms, and what’s happening with your belly and body, mom.
Week 24 | Week 26
What to Expect When 25 Weeks Pregnant?
In this article…
How many months is 25 Weeks Pregnant?
At 25 weeks, you are still in your second trimester but are getting near to the final trimester. At this point, you are in the sixth month of pregnancy.
Because it is often confusing to count pregnancy weeks and months and know the difference between what week/month you are in and how many weeks/months you are actually pregnant, we made a short guide to help you understand it.
Your Baby at 25 Weeks
How Big is my Baby at 25 Weeks?
The fetal age of your baby is now 23 weeks.
Your baby measures about 13.5 inches (34 cm) from head to heel. At 25 weeks, the baby weighs approximately 1.5 pounds (680gr). Your little one is now the size of an acorn squash.
What Does My Baby Look Like at 25 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby is slowly storing fat and is starting to get a little bit chubbier. Her proportions are now quite like those of a newborn baby, although much smaller and skinnier.
The skin of your baby is now smoother and pinker than before. It is due to the development of the capillaries, the small vessels filled with blood. The building up of fat also helps.
Hair growth is taking place at this time.
Fetal development
This is a busy week for your baby’s physical development.
The spinal structures begin to form a total of 33 rings, 150 joints, and 1000 ligaments.
Your baby’s lungs are developing rapidly this week. In particular, the lower airways of the lungs are developing.
At this time, lung surfactants, which aid in lung expansion after the baby’s birth, are already present.
However, the lungs are still too immature to function properly, such as sending out oxygen to the bloodstream during inhalation and releasing carbon dioxide during exhalation. During the latter part of the week, blood vessels are starting to develop in the lungs – that’s closer to the lungs’ full maturity.
In addition to lung development, your baby’s nostrils begin to open, although they are still plugged up with amniotic fluid.
The baby can now smell different scents in the amniotic fluid because the part of the nose that makes it possible is now functioning.
Even though your baby’s eyelids are still closed, he can see the difference between dark and light.
The baby’s hearing is also improving, and besides yours, she can now recognize your partner’s voice as well. You might also notice your little one reacts to familiar sounds by moving.
Your baby’s sense of balance is also starting to develop. They know which way is up or down inside the womb.
Mom’s Body when 25 Weeks Pregnant
The Belly
Your uterus is the size of a soccer ball.
It is quite individual how much and how quickly we gain weight during pregnancy, but on average, a pregnant woman gains around 14 lbs (7 kg) by this point. Read more about pregnancy weight gain here.
Your growing uterus puts pressure on your back as well as on your pelvis. This is the reason why you might experience periodic shooting pains in areas like your lower back and legs.
If you experience this, you have to rest, enjoy a warm bath, or apply a cold compress to the area. You can also try using a maternity support belt, like this one, which provides good help for some pregnant women.
Pregnancy Symptoms
At this point, hemorrhoids, which are actually varicose veins, are a common issue. They can be as small as a raisin or as large as a grapefruit (OK, that’s not common, promise…).
Fifty percent of pregnant women experience hemorrhoids to some degree. It is due to the uterus enlarging and the increase of blood flow to the pelvic area, which causes the veins of the rectal walls to swell.
Hemorrhoids are painful and itchy and can cause rectal bleeding. The best way to deal with it is to prevent constipation. Constipation can actually worsen the issue. So make sure to increase fiber in your diet, as well as your fluid intake. (Read more about healthy eating during pregnancy here.)
If you get hemorrhoids, a home remedy is to apply a cold compress to the affected area a few times a day. This aids in decreasing the swelling and discomfort. Soaking in warm water or having a hot sitz bath can also do the trick. If these tricks don’t help, contact your healthcare provider for some medical alternatives.
Activity Intolerance
Aside from hemorrhoids, you may also experience activity intolerance. This is because of the many changes in your circulatory system, such as increased blood volume and an increase in cardiac workload. So whenever you feel tired and dizzy, you should take a lot of rest.
Heartburn & Snoring
As your baby continues to grow, he will put pressure on your digestive tract, which can push the acid up your esophagus (heartburn). It is painful and uncomfortable. It might help to eat smaller meals and avoid spicy, fatty foods, and caffeine. Another helpful tip is to add a couple of extra pillows or raise the head-end of your bed a bit if the heartburn bothers you when trying to sleep.
Sleeping with the head in a slightly elevated position can also prevent or mitigate the snoring that around a third of all pregnant women experience. The snoring is said to be due to the increased blood volume and/or the pregnancy hormones that cause the mucus membranes in your nose to swell.
Swelling of the face, hands, and feet is pretty common during pregnancy. However, watch out for the signs of extreme swelling because that might be a sign of preeclampsia. If you notice it, talk to your healthcare provider.
Restless legs syndrome
If it feels uncomfortable to hold your legs still, you might have restless legs syndrome. It can feel like tingling or “crawling” in the legs while resting. You can actually also get it in your arms. Uncomfortable!
It does disappear during the weeks after giving birth, but since that is quite a few weeks into the future, you can try other remedies, such as light exercise and avoiding caffeine.
Restless legs syndrome in pregnancy has also been associated with low iron levels, so make sure to ask your healthcare provider for a test.
Carpal tunnel syndrome
If your hands tend to tingle or feel numb, you might have carpal tunnel syndrome. This is due to hormonal changes, water retention, and increased blood volume that puts pressure on the nerve ends in the wrists.
It is temporary, and usually, no treatment at all is needed.
Around this point, many pregnant women start experiencing itchiness of the belly and breasts. Although the itchiness is most common on those body parts, probably because of the skin stretching (it is believed that hormone changes and skin dryness also play a role), it is possible to experience it in other body parts too. Using a moisturizer regularly might help. Staying hydrated also helps, so make sure you drink enough water.
Thicker hair
Most pregnancy symptoms are annoying, so let’s end this discussion with a positive symptom (for most moms)—thicker hair! Pregnancy hormones make you shed less hair.
Things to do and buy this week
If you haven’t started already, moisturize your skin to prevent or decrease itchiness. If there is a need, replace your skin products (shower gel, soaps, make-up) for some that aren’t drying the skin.
When you are 25 weeks pregnant, you should start thinking about attending a prenatal birthing class. You can do it in your area, online (or both), or both.
Get immediate expert help with your pregnancy questions through JustAnswer Pregnancy:Week 25 Pregnancy Video
Diary of a Daughter
What’s it really like being 25 weeks pregnant…? Here’s a true diary from a 25 weeks pregnant mom (Me..!)
I am not sick anymore, but very tired. I’m thinking about starting to work part-time. My iron levels are down even more, to HB 99.
Are you also 25 weeks pregnant? Please share your experiences and thoughts by leaving a comment below!
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- Premature survival rates week by week
- Healthy eating during pregnancy
- Vote in our pregnancy polls to learn about pregnant life for other moms
Week 24 | Week 26
Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
Joanne Stone MD and Keith Eddleman MD, The Pregnancy Bible: Your Complete Guide to Pregnancy and Early Parenthood
Nilsson, L; Hamberger, L. A Child Is Born
Soderberg, L., Mammapraktika. B Wahlstroms.

Paula Dennholt founded Easy Baby Life in 2006 and has been a passionate parenting and pregnancy writer since then. Her parenting approach and writing are based on studies in cognitive-behavioral models and therapy for children and her experience as a mother and stepmother. Life as a parent has convinced her of how crucial it is to put relationships before rules. She strongly believes in positive parenting and a science-based approach.
Paula cooperates with a team of pediatricians who assist in reviewing and writing articles.